Free Initial Consultation
Contact our law firm today for an immediate free initial consultation. Our practice areas are Personal Injury and Property Damage.

Located in the San Fernando Valley
Our law firm is located in the San Fernando Valley and offers you a comprehensive level of quality legal services, performed efficiently and cost-effectively to meet the ever-changing needs of our clients.

We Only Charge If We Win
We always accept personal injury and property loss cases on contingency fee basis. If our law firm does not recover compensation, you are not required to pay for costs or fees.
Grun Law Corporation
Welcome to Injury Law Firm
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Practice Areas
Our practice areas are Personal Injury and Property Damage.

Car Accidents
Grun Law Corporation specializes in representing those injured in car accidents caused by the negligence, recklessness, or misconduct of others. We know the challenges you’re facing and are here to guide you through this difficult time with the support and expertise you need.

Personal Injury
Grun Law Corporation is an experienced law firm representing clients who have been injured by someone else’s negligence, recklessness or intentional conduct. We also understand the difficulties associated with your situation, and we understand the hardships that you may be experiencing.

Property Damage
Our team of attorneys and professionals who have over 20 years of experience, have collectively recovered millions of dollars in insurance settlement claims for homeowners who have sustained damages to their residential or commercial properties.

Bicycle Accidents
Grun Law Corporation specializes in representing those injured in bicycle accidents caused by the negligence, recklessness, or misconduct of others. We understand the unique challenges you’re facing and are here to provide the support and expertise you need during this difficult time.

Motorcycle Accidents
Grun Law Corporation is dedicated to helping those injured in motorcycle accidents due to the negligence, recklessness, or misconduct of others. We understand the challenges you’re going through and are here to provide the guidance and expertise you need during this difficult time.

Pedestrian Accidents
Grun Law Corporation is dedicated to helping those injured in pedestrian accidents caused by the negligence, recklessness, or misconduct of others. We understand the difficulties you’re facing and are here to provide the guidance and expertise you need during this challenging time.

About Us
At Grun Law Corporation, we are committed to securing the justice and compensation you deserve. With a focus on personal injury and property damage cases, our dedicated team of legal professionals is here to guide you through every step of the legal process.
Whether you’ve been injured in an accident or your home or commercial property has suffered damage, Grun Law Corporation is equipped with the experience and expertise to fight for your rights. Our mission is to help you recover the maximum compensation possible, ensuring that you can focus on your recovery while we handle the legal complexities.
We understand the emotional and financial toll an injury and damage to your property can cause, and we are passionate about providing compassionate and effective legal representation. At Grun Law Corporation, your well-being is our priority, and we are committed to delivering results that matter.
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Free Case Evaluation
If you believe you or your loved one may have a potential personal injury or property damage claim, please call us or send us an email.
We will evaluate your accident or property damage and discuss your options with you at no charge. Our office provides Free Case Evaluations to all injured victims and accept cases ONLY on contingency bases. There will be no fees charged until we recover compensation for our client.
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